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Does TV-NIHON need DVDS for this?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:06 am
by downtimeinjapan

First post however I used to watch a lot of your Kamen Rider subs back in the day :) Havent watched must since about 3 series ago. Anyways, I live in Japan now *for the last 2 years* and I am a big fan of GameCenter CX. As I am sure many others are. Waiting for episodes definitely sucks (not telling you to rush or anything, i know your busy and I used to do fansubbing so I know). Ultimately, as my title, do you need DVDs? I have been thinking of buying some sets so I can watch them. I do speak Japanese although not at a fluent level, although well enough not to need subs for most of it. If I were to buy DVDs do you need any rips? I am willing to rip and send to you to help out the cause! :)


Re: Does TV-NIHON need DVDS for this?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:33 am
by Lunagel
Thank you for the offer, but GCX is actually one of the few shows we do not use DVDs for since they actually remove a lot of the segments like the TamaGe and the retro game corner in order to just show Arino's challenge uninterrupted. IMO and according to several people who watched the Kotaku broadcast, it's much more interesting with the tv broadcast version.

Re: Does TV-NIHON need DVDS for this?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:30 am
by takenoko
Yeah, the DVD version really sucks. They're just compilations that lacks the heart of the original broadcast version. The only reason we'd want them is for the bonus DVD footage.

Re: Does TV-NIHON need DVDS for this?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:26 pm
by downtimeinjapan
Hmmm, I thought it was weird that they would remove those features. So I looked it up...according the amazon description for latest dvd has those segments in it.

●有野の挑戦 『クインティ』『電車でGO!』『パリ・ダカールラリー・スペシャル』
たまに行くならこんなゲームセンター 「コマヤ玩具店」「おもちゃのぶんぶく」「千葉ヤングボウル」「高田馬場ゲーセンミカド」「菊地商店
【特典映像】TV未放送 有野の挑戦「シティコネクション」

●有野の挑戦 『源平討魔伝』『かまいたちの夜 DVD限定! ディレクターズ・カット版』『ロックマン4 新たなる野望!! 完全版』
たまに行くならこんなゲームセンター 「ミラクルイン」「にこにこ本舗」「池袋バッティングセンター」「スーパーフィッシング足立」「おかしの森 十一屋
【特典映像】TV未放送 有野の挑戦「源平討魔伝にリベンジ」"

Re: Does TV-NIHON need DVDS for this?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:31 pm
by takenoko
It's very much a chopped up selection of material. If you want to see everything, sticking with the broadcast version would be best.

Actually, I just remembered that on the rare occasion there will be a director's cut of an Arino's Challenge. I honestly don't remember offhand which ones those are or how much of a difference there is.