KR Gotchard 34 thread

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KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by takenoko »

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Ratings for last episode: 3.78 of 5 stars (9 votes)

Oh, we're just starting back where we left off last week

I wonder why Handred even want the Kamen Riser. Feels like it wouldn't work for anyone but Legend anyway

Pretty handy for the Handred bosses to just be weird monoliths floating in the sky

Feels weird to have the normal Gotchard opening during this story arc. Are we still saying this stuff is canon with the rest of Gotchard?? This week Legend steals a bit of the Gotchard card flipping. The cards afte Legend takes over are all Legend Kamen Riders instead of your usual Chemy Cards (even for the Rinne/Spanner parts)

I like that the first thing he reminds Houtarou of is him in the bathtub. "how dare you forget about the time you saw me naked. Subscribe to TTFC to remember"

If this were a better show, I feel like this tech to restore people's memories would be a major plot point

Oh hey, here's three dudes that would not have fun hanging out together

Kaguya has the model walk

Looks like Gorgeous's upgrade changed his sash to a chest plate for the super forms. Neat

What is this bgm. It's so over the top

Man, Gotchared looks like a messs of mixed armor parts

Houtarou apologizing for stuff that isn't his fault

The belt voice saying Zero Two was prety cool

How's this guy keep walking away from the rider ifnishes lol

What's the matter Kaguya? Do you feel a disturbance in the force?

Annnd the Legend arc continues. I'm surprised. How many episodes of Gotchard is this story going to eat up? I mean, Gotchard has to be about smoething now that the main bad is dead. But you just introduced a new big bad, but he's doing nothing while we wait out this story arc to complete. It's pretty weird. Is this a shakeup because people weren't into Gotchard before? I can't think of a more jarring change of story direction than the cameo character just hijacking the story for over a month

Normally I don't care about teeth, but look at the teeth on the girl at the front of Kaguya's fan club when they find him

Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by TokuGeek1999 »

Kaguya saved the show.
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by Mxylv »

Sakamoto's flair helped pick up any story-related slack in the previous episode (and for the most part I quite liked the ep before that), but with him having left, I found this kind of a rough ride. I'm trying to watch the show raw, so when I had a hard time understanding the "Kaguya's actually a decent guy" conversation, I wasn't sure if I didn't have the vocabulary or if I didn't care enough to be really trying by then. Intentionally or otherwise, however, I do like that Kaguya's presence pulls off "sometimes you have to work with people who are hard to work with" in a way completely different from the Spanner archetype. I think Kaguya could be written in a more likeable way, but I don't think I could manage it; I'm glad others don't seem as annoyed by him, anyway.

This may have been better not as a TTFC Gotchard side story, but as a completely separate one. Maybe have Legend show up in an an episode or two alluding to an incident in his world and then have a couple Gotchard-less TTFC Legend specials?
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by takenoko »

Even after translating the episode, I'm not entirely sure what the conflict was between Kaguya and Houtarou. I mean, I understand what they tell the viewer, that Kaguya feels lonely with Houtarou forgetting about him, but it's so stupid that it doesn't feel believable. It just feels like lazy writing to get the plot from point a to point b to the shiny fight scenes
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by Dengar »

Why isn't this arc over yet? I don't want to see more of that self absorbed mary sue asshole. Can somebody please get him out of here?

And the writer too. My immersion in this world is completely gone.
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by Yaiba »

The writers discovered the phase "Oh my Gotcha!", its never going away now

I did lol at the blackboard just changing to all diamonds and accompanied by that gorgeous background music.

Did Houtarou's backpack just got squished into the armor when he transformed, and then popped back out when he de-transformed? Sounds uncomfortable.

The word "gorgeous" has lost all meaning.

At this point just give Legend his own series. I want to get back on with Gotchard's story.

Production blog

The blog writer is funny. This is how the blog starts:


KA GU YA - SA MA !!!

(゚∀゚)o彡゜Kaguya-sama! (゚∀゚)o彡゜Kaguya-sama!

……that's all!
That's all for this week! ! ! !
There's nothing else??? Hey?!

Well then everyone!
Have a great gorgeous week!

End of blog!!!



This episode was structured like the sentai's "Additional Warrior" format, where the new comer held different values that clashed with the existing members.

Behind the initial comedy, you can also get a glimpse of Kaguya-sama's loneliness.

Kamen Rider Legendary Legend's design motif was Former Queen of England, Elizabeth I. It was called a ruff. Plex came up with this design when deciding a way to arrange all the cards. Plex always had amazing imagination.

Gorgeous Zero Two's finisher was a new move. The flash card was designed by Tajima Hideki, who also worked on the Zero One show.

"Kamen Rider Zero Two vs. Kamen Rider Arc One" was something they always wanted to do but couldn't at the time due to schedule changed by Covid. This was also the first time showing the transformation from Ark Zero to Ark One.

The suit actor for Gorgeous Zero Two was Nawada Yuya, the suit actor for Zero One.
Original Japanese Text


カ グ ヤ 様 !!!

(゚∀゚)o彡゜カグヤ様! (゚∀゚)o彡゜カグヤ様!

それ以外ありますか!? ねぇよなぁ!?











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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by Lunagel »

So uhh... is no one going to explain why the peanut gallery was dressed up like it was prom?
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by Yaiba »

Nope. The Gotchad cast was so insignificant that they're weren't even mentioned in the blog. (This is their show, right?)
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by takenoko »

>The writers discovered the phase "Oh my Gotcha!", its never going away now

He's definitely used it one or two times before

>Kamen Rider Legendary Legend's design motif was Former Queen of England, Elizabeth I. It was called a ruff. Plex came up with this design when deciding a way to arrange all the cards. Plex always had amazing imagination.

huh, I can totally see that

Always fun to hear Zero-One facts

Does Legend have a main suit actor? I noticed in last week's production blog it didn't say who was playing him, and on the wiki there's a few guys that have the role listed under their names, so I guess people share Legend, which is fitting
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by HowlingSnail »

I notice they've updated the opening to swap out the regular Chemy Cards with the Legend Rider ones. Speaking of the Legend Riders, the generic sounds in the Gotchard Driver tell me they didn't plan any combos out beforehand.

I'm not sure I understand the point of this arc. It's the sort of thing they'd usually do to promote a movie or something, but those are usually a single episode, and also there's no movie to promote here. This isn't a big anniversary celebration, it's just randomly getting in the way of Gotchard's plot for a few weeks while this Decade knockoff shows up. I'd maybe enjoy it more with the actual Decade, and I say that as someone who thinks Decade the show is awful.

Best guess I can come up with is that they decided they didn't have enough plot left to fill the last third of the show, so they're using this as padding.
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by Gokider »

takenoko wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 8:35 am Does Legend have a main suit actor? I noticed in last week's production blog it didn't say who was playing him, and on the wiki there's a few guys that have the role listed under their names, so I guess people share Legend, which is fitting
It seems to be one suit actor, Yuya Nawata, as Legend in general, but others for the Legend Chemy Rides.
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by resop2 »

Dengar wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 2:48 am Why isn't this arc over yet? I don't want to see more of that self absorbed mary sue asshole. Can somebody please get him out of here?

And the writer too. My immersion in this world is completely gone.

I think the best way to end this arc is to have Klotho super kick Kaguya in the mush giving him a black eye. Since he is no longer gorgeous he has to go back to Gary Stu world to heal and get his mojo back.

Can vanity cause a chemy card to go bad?

If Kaguya became stained with gold would the result be any different?
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by ViRGE »


2 episodes of this was fine. Especially when it was coupled with Sakamoto's trademark hand-to-hand combat, which alone is entertaining enough to carry a show for 22 minutes even without a strong plot to back it.

But now we're doing another 2 episodes of this nostalgia dreck? And the plot actually needs to carry the show this time? We're doomed.

It's not that this episode is god-awful. But the Legend stuff has overstayed its welcome. This isn't Legend's show - or at least, it shouldn't be. I know Toei loves their nostalgia bait, and for good reason. However this isn't an anniversary season of any kind; there's nothing specifically to celebrate. As a result, it all comes off as empty pandering with Discount Decade.

On the plus side, we do finally get to see Zero-Two fight Ark-One, however briefly. And now that Sakamoto is gone, they're no longer pretending that Houtaro's actor can actually do any stunts.:lol:

And this is twice now that Houtaro has suffered from long-term memory loss. Someone needs to check the boy for amnesia.

Oh, and what's the merch situation like right now? I have to assume the Legend Riser is for sale. Is anything else from Legend being sold? Given that this has all but brought Gotchard to a halt, I have to assume this is being done to promote Legend toys.
takenoko wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 6:33 pm If this were a better show, I feel like this tech to restore people's memories would be a major plot point
This is the same show that wipes Kajuki's memory on a regular basis, with apparently no ill effects. Suffice it to say, it doesn't treat the subject especially seriously.
Annnd the Legend arc continues. I'm surprised. How many episodes of Gotchard is this story going to eat up? I mean, Gotchard has to be about smoething now that the main bad is dead. But you just introduced a new big bad, but he's doing nothing while we wait out this story arc to complete. It's pretty weird. Is this a shakeup because people weren't into Gotchard before? I can't think of a more jarring change of story direction than the cameo character just hijacking the story for over a month
We've had a few different times in the past where Toei would do this stunt for a 2-week stint. But going a whole month is definitely new territory. It definitely makes you wonder if someone over at Toei is getting desperate. :?
Normally I don't care about teeth, but look at the teeth on the girl at the front of Kaguya's fan club when they find him
I'm not saying that braces are fun, but good dental hygiene is for more than just good looks. Especially for omnivores that need all of their teeth.
Yaiba wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 7:11 am The word "gorgeous" has lost all meaning.
It really has. I realize all riders have their gimmicks, but even Gotchard doesn't spam "gotcha" this much in a single episode. Someone please give the Toei writers room an English thesaurus.
Kamen Rider Legendary Legend's design motif was Former Queen of England, Elizabeth I. It was called a ruff. Plex came up with this design when deciding a way to arrange all the cards. Plex always had amazing imagination.
Having seen it, it makes sense. Though I hope the ruff on Legend Squared is flexible; that looks like it could really hurt otherwise. :shock:
Lunagel wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 7:34 am So uhh... is no one going to explain why the peanut gallery was dressed up like it was prom?
Something, something, Legend is making everyone gorgeous because he can. It's not even about the peanut gallery; it's just to establish his character. (Though it doesn't hep that it's the only scene half of the peanut gallery gets this entire episode).
Yaiba wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 7:50 am Nope. The Gotchad cast was so insignificant that they're weren't even mentioned in the blog. (This is their show, right?)
I'm convinced that they either gave the cast a mini-vacation here, or more likely they're all busy filming the summer movie. 2 of the Sisters had a single bit scene, the third is absent. And half the peanut gallery had a single scene as well. That can't be coincidental.
takenoko wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 8:35 am >The writers discovered the phase "Oh my Gotcha!", its never going away now

He's definitely used it one or two times before
31, I think? Which was panned by the same writer. So I doubt we've heard the last of it.
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by takenoko »

>This is the same show that wipes Kajuki's memory on a regular basis, with apparently no ill effects. Suffice it to say, it doesn't treat the subject especially seriously.

/me looks at Kajiki. Yeah that guy is very normal lol

>going a whole month is definitely new territory. It definitely makes you wonder if someone over at Toei is getting desperate. :?

I mean, it's funny when they do a premium bandai shit for a one off thing. But it feels like the Legend stuff is being sold in normal toy stores since we see the commercial for it. Pretty weird move for a joke character from a (what seemed like) a non-canon story!
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Re: KR Gotchard 34 thread

Post by HowlingSnail »

"Oh my Gotcha" I think is in the Winter Movie too, I watched it the other day. So it's been here a while.

I was actually starting to enjoy Gotchard, but instead we have this stuff for a month.

I'd be really curious to know why it's happening. Dwindling toy sales is probably the reason, or they needed a month of filler because they don't have enough actual plot to fill time until the end of August.
Last edited by HowlingSnail on Tue May 07, 2024 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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