Ultraman the Movie released

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Ultraman the Movie released

Post by takenoko »

Wiki: http://wiki.tvnihon.com/wiki/Ultraman_%282004%29

First, thanks to Darkaura for looking over the captions for this movie. They were pretty bad, so I know he he had to do a lot of cleanup. We had avoided working on this movie for a long time since it had English subs and I assumed it'd get licensed, but I don't think that ever happened.

It's been a long time since I've seen this movie. But I do remember how earnest it was. It's surprisingly uncynical.

If you've seen Ultraman Nexus but not this movie, hopefully this fills in some gaps. I've got some scans from the movie DVD which pretty much spoil Nexus, so I'll include those later on.

From the DVD Booklet:
Image Image

There are more scans, but they contain spoilers for Nexus. So I made a new thread just for that here:
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by Phoenix512 »

I kept getting Top Gun vibes from the beginning of the movie. It's a bit weird that the kaijiu was the blue light while Ultraman was the red light. It's usually the other way around.

I really like the initial suit for the Ultraman but when he fully powered up, it looked odd with the back fins behind the head.

BCST should have done a better job in handling Maki.

It's nice that Maki and his son get their flight together with the son saying he wants to be a pilot but does he only have a year left to live? It sort of puts a sour note to the end because of that fact.
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by takenoko »

Nah, his son isn't dying. They said that his last fainting spell was just stress, not related to his condition.
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by StereotypeAsian »

This was a good movie. Lotta potential kinda wasted, but lotta good parts too.
Thank you for not betraying the Ultraman fan base when all the other groups gave up, TVN
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by maybetoby »

Glad this group hasn't given up on Ultraman. We got like 3 different sub groups doing the same Kamen Rider/Super Sentai series, but hardly anyone does Ultraman. It saddens me.

Question, what exactly is cut 1 through 10?
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by decade368990 »

Thanks for releasing the movie. It kinda sucks that the Ultra N Project didn't last long. Otherwise, we got to see more Nexus episodes and sequels to this movie.
maybetoby wrote:Question, what exactly is cut 1 through 10?
They're the footage that were cut during the film editing, so that the final version of the movie had a better pacing to keep the audiences engage.
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by takenoko »

StereotypeAsian wrote:Thank you for not betraying the Ultraman fan base when all the other groups gave up, TVN
LOL, that makes me feel kind of bad since I don't know how much Ultraman we'll be releasing in the future. At leas the Ultraman Ginga movie is still in the works.
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by Sentai_ZXR7 »

Thank you for your hard work, I loved this version of Ultraman, I will not tire of watching it over and over again!
Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the series that started it all, Ultraman!
Some of the original actors are still living!
When I was a kid, I watched Ultraman, Ultraseven and Ultraman Jack.
I After these, I have not had the opportunity to watch the other series.
Previously, you commented that Ultraman Mebius is licensed to crunchyroll, I must say that I dislike the idea of streaming, I prefer either the downloadable content or a genuine licensed content on Blu-ray or DVD.
I said this because I had the misfortune to buy a DVD set of Ultraman Mebius that was badly subtitled :x .
I hope you can have spare time to subtitle some of the other Ultraman series (if you have some initiative of course)
Thanks TV-Nihon crew, keep the good work flowing :)
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by SocietyBox »

List of corrections before I delete my copy:
  • 01:00:08 - "there are no other symptoms" should be "there are no symptoms". (i.e. the fainting spell wasn't a symptom and not related to the disease)
  • 01:05:33 - "Sogabe Issa" should be "Colonel Sogabe".
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by takenoko »

Thanks! Wow, did we only release this movie 10 years ago?
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by SocietyBox »

The surprise was from rewatching Nexus last month and noticing how many translation mistakes that had. It was a nice moment realising how I've gone from subs-dependent years ago to perapera now. That series was released between March 2005 and October 2006 so it's understandable.
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Re: Ultraman the Movie released

Post by takenoko »

Yeah, that's one of the first things we did. Almost anything before 2007 didn't really have any quality control. I feel like we're in a good place now, but in an ideal world we'd redo all our old stuff
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