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Post by mantis »

Have you guys thought about going back to j-dramas or miscellaneous movies? I see some that are out there that sit, that nobody picks up, and it feels like there may be a missed opportunity here. I wouldn't have discovered K-Tai Sosakan 7 without you. Yeah, I know I am going back just a couple of years. :lol:
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Team Baron
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Re: J-Dramas

Post by takenoko »

If something sounds interesting maybe? It's just pretty hard since most of our staff are pretty busy with other stuff going on. Luna's got something interesting cooking on her end, but no j-dramas are on our plate currently. Are there any out there that aren't subbed that you think would fit our tastes though?
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Re: J-Dramas

Post by mantis »

It's hard to say since I am not sure what your tastes are and without being biased myself. I've just noticed some places have movies and shows but nobody ever subs them and this may be a missed opportunity. There's the Werewolf Game series, Jumborg Ace, Fireman, Love Game, etc... Some may be licensed for streaming that I am not aware of. There's also old shows that were once broadcast stateside like Age 35, Oishi Kankei (rest in peace Nakayama Miho), Stalker, etc... These may be before many of you were born LOL!
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Team Baron
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Re: J-Dramas

Post by takenoko »

wow, some of these dramas were even before I was watching jdramas in the 1999-2002 era

I personally like stuff that's related to nerdy stuff like otaku culture (akihabara@deep). Or if there's like a lot of toku guests in it or even toku related itself (like tokusatsu gagaga)
Posts: 71
Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:28 pm
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Re: J-Dramas

Post by mantis »

I mean I am surprised my parents allowed me to watch some of the ones I did. Then again, jdramas are not like US or UK ones.
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Team Baron
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Quote: <Lunagel> That's Toei's dumb fault
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Location: Yami ni umare, yami ni kisu

Re: J-Dramas

Post by takenoko »

What was I watching at the time? I remember catching the end of Glass Shoe. Aoi Tori. To heart: koishite shinitai. Watched some Shomuni in college (that was definitely not subbed, but the characters were so animated that it was still enjoyable). I think when hanging out on the Japanese drama channel on IRC I downloaded Antique bakery which I remember loving. Densetsu Kyoushi was fun because one of the guys from Downtown was an unhinged guy pretending to be a teacher. Oh, there was Majo no Jouken.

Some of these were subbed by the Hawaiian channels subs and some were just raw, so I might not have gotten the whole story for these
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