Adventuring Sentai: Brave Frontier

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Adventuring Sentai: Brave Frontier

Post by FangTrigger »

I have a new Sentai idea (and if Toei happens to snipe this one again, they better pay me my royalties. Looking at you Lupin vs Patranger)

Adventuring Sentai: Brave Frontier

Synopsis: One day, portals to another realm begin randomly popping up, shattering the barrier between fantasy and reality.
After six months of strife and warfare, the denizens of both worlds settle into a tenuous peace, but the threat of dungeon breaks and the demon king's revival loom ominously over the new world. With the rise of magic and skills popping up across humanity, Adventuring becomes the new hot job, giving normal folk and fantasy otaku a chance to live the life of their dreams.

Enter Light, a down on his luck Swordsman who just got kicked from his party for his inability to properly fight. The words of his former party leader still echoing in his head: “How can you be a swordsman, yet you can't properly weld a sword?” Unwilling to give up on his dream of becoming the one who plays the demon king, he goes into a dungeon solo and almost dies, until he comes upon a chest containing a magical talking blade that promises to help him achieve his goals. Taking up the blade, power runs through his body, giving him access to his armor and new skills that allow him to topple the boss and escape the dungeon by the skin of his teeth. Magic Sword in hand, he raises his fist and re-declares his dream.

First things first though: he's gonna need a new party.

I'm thinking of your standard 5 man Sentai, with three men and two women featuring-

Light (Red Swordsman)
Taurus (Blue Minotaur/Merman hybrid Tank/Paladin that has his father's strength and mothers ability to breathe under water, but at first just looks like a regular, somewhat buff guy)
Jade (Female Half-Spinx, half human Green Sorceress with some Spinx like physical features and stereotypical cat traits {chasing lights, eating fish, fast reaction speeds, etc} Her father managed to get with her mother using a cheesy riddle/pick-up line)
Alistor (Black ‘chivalrous’ rogue/thief that steals from bad people, but also skims some off the top for himself. Guy's gotta eat after all)
Sarah (Pink/White cleric magical girl with a sadistic streak in her. Heals, but also will beat the crap outta you with her ‘Magical Wand' (Mace))

I'm thinking of adding a sixth and seventh ranger to the crew, one of them being an alcoholic Sage.

Will this motley crew be able to achieve their goals, or will their personalities cause their downfall? Only time will tell!

Thoughts? Criticisms?
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