KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

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KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by takenoko »

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Who's doing the narration? Oh it's George

Mr 1000 still has the best sourpuss face

Wait, are all those guys going to fight in this episode?

Since when has Beroba been Ziin's lackey?

Come on Ouja, put a bit more feeling into that

Oh, Geats is a religious Rider series lol

Oh, Ziin got an upgrade. No wonder his belt looks different

Wait, are the other Outsidres really not showing up? What was the point of the rest of this series then lol

Wow Garren and Ouja walking side by side

I see Sakurai Yuuto is dressing like the adult version, well, because he is basically the adult version now. Man time has gone by hasn't it. No Deneb?

lol. I was just thinking that the more characters that just have powers to call other characters, the more dimnished that ability will be in value. It's sort of silly for Zeiin to summon a Zi-O weapon that allows him to summon more Riders...

Loving Zeronos use of a greatsword though

George developed the ZeiinDriver?

Wait, aren't most these guys evil? And it looks like they all survived?

Dan is leaving for... love...? But for his mom, right?

What? Ouja is just... walking around?

Ah George, wish you had been in a better series

ah, fuck you for that last bit. I was hoping for a cool stinger, not leaving this series on an open ended question

Cool cameos, but I sure wish the story did more with them besides bringing back a guy that we hadn't seen in a while (like Ouja or Garren). Not that I'm not glad to see them, but it would have been nice if the story were compelling too

/me listens a second time
fuck you george, did you just say oh my gotcha?
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by Lunagel »

Not a fan of this episode either. The first half is just Beroba handing out invitations to her birthday party a poorly shoved in Desire Grand Prix that they don't even end up doing. The second half is just a bunch of jingle spam. Okay, it's fun to see older Riders again but frustrating as all hell when they don't do anything with them.

It's just confusing and clearly not planned out at all. The episodes hardly affect each other at all and I can't even remember what happened previously because they barely reference it. It's like they saw the sequel Star Wars trilogy and vowed to make all the same mistakes.

Dan Kuroto sure does eat that scenery though
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by takenoko »

I mean the problem is they clearly went "Hey, who wants to be in a thing?" got those people, and then went "huh, so what's the story gonna be about?"

The core concept of the Outsiders is essentially a blatant rip off of the Suicide Squad, the evil Riders gotta do some good. But maybe they're not that evil and maybe the threat is just too generic to matter.

"Ouja's here" "Cool! Is he going to be a violent psychopath like in Ryuki?" "Uhhh, not really" "Oh"
There's a bunch of cool moments too like Garren getting his King Form or Zero-Two combining with Ark to form Zero-Three, but it feels like weightless fanfiction. If we see Is again in a later movie, is she still going to be Zero-Three? Will she remark to another character "For a while I had combined my consciousness with my archenemy for the greater good" Seems doubtful, right?

In the end, I liked Outsiders for being Toei's experiment into what they can do with their extensive history, long list of veteran actors who are ripe for pulling a cameo. It just wish there was a chewy story or something to give the whole thing emotional structure
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by Gokider »

takenoko wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:21 pm George developed the ZeiinDriver?
it really has been a while since episode 3 when he showed up with the driver and the details about it were established, but it really does seem like the details of this series have been mostly forgotten about by this point.
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by Yaiba »

So what is George doing? Taking a closer look at the Arc Driver, or...?

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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by decade368990 »

I thought there's more moments for Zein and Evolt to make chaos instead of focusing themselves to fight the Outsider Riders. What happened to the Zein Driver?? I was expecting it had lines to say like "Yes, this is how justice is supposed to run." as the world is ripped apart.

They get the Arch Orphneoch as part of the team to fight Zein rather than having Delta on board.

Brain is just a comedian that needs to be out of the way.

Despite all the bad things that happened in Zero-One, is Ark considered as a new hero after combining with Is Zero-Two to become Zero-Three?

Calling this as the last episode of the entire Outsiders series is completely nonsense. It's just completely wasting time to assemble the team to fight both Zein and Evolt.
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by Aeikozz »

this was awesome. i do hope they do another one like this. Randomness is fun.
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by rr3elite »

takenoko wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:10 pm I mean the problem is they clearly went "Hey, who wants to be in a thing?" got those people, and then went "huh, so what's the story gonna be about?"

The core concept of the Outsiders is essentially a blatant rip off of the Suicide Squad, the evil Riders gotta do some good. But maybe they're not that evil and maybe the threat is just too generic to matter.

"Ouja's here" "Cool! Is he going to be a violent psychopath like in Ryuki?" "Uhhh, not really" "Oh"
There's a bunch of cool moments too like Garren getting his King Form or Zero-Two combining with Ark to form Zero-Three, but it feels like weightless fanfiction. If we see Is again in a later movie, is she still going to be Zero-Three? Will she remark to another character "For a while I had combined my consciousness with my archenemy for the greater good" Seems doubtful, right?

In the end, I liked Outsiders for being Toei's experiment into what they can do with their extensive history, long list of veteran actors who are ripe for pulling a cameo. It just wish there was a chewy story or something to give the whole thing emotional structure
Outsiders isn't just Kamen Rider's answer to Suicide Squad, the story has Star Wars undertones. Especially with the philosophical depiction of good and evil. The parallels between Yuuto and Anakin Skywalker are all too obvious to ignore. Zein also embodies the quote by Obi-Wan: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes.", basically Zein judges the world around us in absolutes with no middle ground whatsoever.

The fact that Ecole and the clone Evolt are fighting together to carry out Zein's goal makes them Kamen Rider equivalents to Zamasu and Goku Black, respectively. Both view humans as the source of evil and want them eradicated to impose their iron-fisted justice to the world. Well, you guys get the idea.
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by ViRGE »

And here we are, the seventh and final episode of Kamen Rider Outsiders. And the end of this chapter of the Takahashi Yuya cinematic universe.

Normally this would be the part where I write a long-winded post. But in this case there's just not much to write about. Whereas previous episodes have worked a bit more heavily on the plot in order to fill out the time - it can't be 24 minutes of pure action - this episode gets much closer to pure action, with the final fight clocking in at about half of the episode. The rest of the time is spent on a very basic setup, and a couple of extended gags. So there's not much to analyze.

I will say that nothing about this episode really surprises me. It's clearly been written in an ad-hoc manner since the early episodes, so I wasn't expecting this episode to suddenly be the one that figured out a coherent plot. Still, there will always be that lingering question of "what if," because the core concept was underutilized in this series.

It's been fun to see a lot of these characters again, and while it did burn precious running time, the gag with Beroba's invitations being repeatedly declined was pretty funny. And while it was still obvious that a big part of the reason for that gag was to get all these returning actors on screen when they clearly weren't all available at the same time, it's a decent enough cover, and I'm not sure the writers could have done any better.

Still, like all Kamen Rider finales, it boils down to a long fight and some Rider Kicks. At one point I counted 15 suit actors on screen at once, which is an impressive tally for a TTFC production. On the other hand, the fighting itself was pretty rote; there were no stand-out fight sequences. With so many characters, there just isn't time, which is always the drawback of these kinds of large gatherings. If anything, the highlight is probably the gag of Evolt begrudgingly acknowledging that he was about to get his ass kicked. Otherwise, for a team-up of evil Riders, it would have been nice to see them win by being evil/underhanded (go shoot someone mid-transformation!) rather than only winning a conventional fight via strength in numbers.

Alas, the Geats tie-in is largely wasted here due to the lack of time for any kind of a plot. And that poor Gazer outfit, how many times has that been repainted now? :lol:

I don't regret watching this series. However it's fair to say it didn't stick the landing. (In the meantime, we'll always have Genm tricking a god robot into making him human)
takenoko wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:21 pm Dan is leaving for... love...? But for his mom, right?
Yeah... Everything about that plot thread is as confusing as it is weird.
takenoko wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:10 pm There's a bunch of cool moments too like Garren getting his King Form or Zero-Two combining with Ark to form Zero-Three, but it feels like weightless fanfiction. If we see Is again in a later movie, is she still going to be Zero-Three? Will she remark to another character "For a while I had combined my consciousness with my archenemy for the greater good" Seems doubtful, right?
That's actually a fantastic question. Garren is unlikely to pop up anywhere else. But Is? We're still close enough to Zero-One that it's a distinct possibility. If Takahashi Yuya is writing the treatment, then there's a chance it could get addressed. Otherwise, I suspect you're right and it will be ignored.
Yaiba wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:24 am So what is George doing? Taking a closer look at the Arc Driver, or...?
I missed that the first time around. What the hell, Toei?! :shock: :lol:
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Re: KR Outsiders Ep 7 Outsiders and the Desire Royale

Post by spinna »

i really wanted to like this series but i simply cannot find substance in it. most cameos were really short (will never forgive them for having the smart queen in first episode and not bringing her back) and even the main cast (the outsiders) were really underused. bringing back ouya hyped me so much but they did almost nothing with the character.

this episode was probably the worst one. the whole gran prix that didn't happen was just a waste of time and not even bringing beroba back makes it up. then we have the common toei nostalgia fight was even more disapointing than usual. seeing yuuto transform into zeronos was reaaaly good and was probably the only scene that had meaning in this story but it was so quick that it was not even satisfactory. zein had a very good presentation but being reduced to boring bad guy was really disapointing.

even until the last minute, even if it was near impossible, i was still waiting for a decade cameo and i'm very disapointed there was nothing. how can you have a series about dimensions and a rider that uses cards without bringing back the original destroyer of the world. i'm angry that there was a "there will be more" ending because it keeps my hope there even if i don't really want to watch more of it.
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