KR Gavv 21

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KR Gavv 21

Post by takenoko »

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Ratings for last episode: 4.83 of 5 stars (12 votes)

"You were my brother, Shouma!" Yes yes, give me the messy drama. Meanwhile Raika looks on. Love that in 2 minutes, the relation lines for all the Riders are quickly redrawn

Damn it Toei, add Vram to the opening already. Wow, they added like 5 seconds of him at the end. Laaaazy~

lol, sucks to Hanto if he thinks Suga is his only ally. Gotta love how quickly he moves on him when he thinks Suga's withholding info. Hanto, use your journalist instinct, you know the guy is lying to you

Did Nyelv really not know? Dropping the ball there, smart boy. Stomach family in crisis mode. Damn, that shot of the camera backing away from the cgi background looks bad

/me eyes that white and regular chocolate

Why isn't he making macaroon gochizo? Maybe my theory that his Gochizo is tied to his mental state is correct?

Again, this series writing is so good because it's nice that we're taking the time to process Hanto's genuine feelings of shock. Lazier writing would just move past it to the next fight. Credit to Komura where it's due

He's definitely never worn clothes like that before

Been a while since we saw this actor

Clearly not what he was wearing last night. Wait, that's how Sachika finds out? lol

Looks like the Stomach cut off Raika's cell plan

What a brave guy, filming that attack on his camera instead of helping

I guess Hanto isn't going to notice this Gavv is a different color either

Of course soda gummy is evil, it's the worst flavor

So are we supposed to believe Suga grew this guy out of Shouma's hair from last week? No wonder his body is falling apart

What? How does Vram know to shoot the fake Gavv?

Whelp, looks like they're not going to drag out the misunderstanding arc. Thank goodness

Random thought, I'm so glad Toei stopped adding moving text to their previews. It was always a pain to add those
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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by HowlingSnail »

I'm also glad we are not dragging this out. It's about time Hanto and Sachika find out the truth, so we can all start working together properly.
takenoko wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:06 pm Random thought, I'm so glad Toei stopped adding moving text to their previews. It was always a pain to add those
I'm in the middle of my own project, turning some old .srt files into proper .ass fansubs to the level of toku fansubs for a J Drama, and let me tell you, I have learned to despise those preview texts. Dear God, make them stop.
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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by takenoko »

It wouldn't have been so bad if they were static text, but they were always moving left or right or had some effect every week. Also, I'd forget to do them too sometimes so that'd put a delay on things
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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by Yaiba »

I really like that the character in this show has a brain and reacts like normal people. Hanto did tried to think things through, and didn't just suddenly forgot all of Shouma's previous actions and all the times they fought together. In an Inoue show, these kind miscommunications would be dragged on forever for no reason. Despite Suga trying to stir the pot with the mass disappearance cases, it actually ended up being the catalyst for Hanto wanting to trust Shouma again because the people were saved.

The Gavv's Gochizo playing jumping-over-the-hurdles with Vram's Gochizo were adorable. Gavv's Gochizo wondering why Shouma wasn't splitting out a Macaron Gochizo was funny. Zaku even went inside Shouma's shirt to check because maybe Macaron was shy and didn't want to come out(?). It gave so much personalities to these toy gimmicks by having them actually being part of the scenes and not just appear briefly in fight scenes.

Nyelv didn't have his usual hidden smile, and he seemed genuinely terrified to learn Raage9 betrayed them, so giving the belt to the enemy wasn't part of his plan. It would be karma if he was the one resulting in Comer's death.

It felt so weird to see monsters doing damage control like a normal everyday business.

See, cola is evil lol.

Production blog

🍬 Dark Shouma
Dark Shouma's true identity and origins are a mystery, but we made a new costume for him. The outfit still has a zipper on the stomach area, but the costume is usually colorful with a highly saturated color scheme, so wearing a monochrome (or rather, almost black!) outfit gives him a completely different impression. He's supposed to be smiling in this photo, but he looked kind of scary! Since Chinen-kun needed to switch back and forth between the two characters, there weren't any drastic changes to his hairstyle etc, but the change in expression and posture gave the impression that he's "different from usual".


Dark Shouma ate oden and pasta with his bare hands. The "steam" from the oden was produced by the props team, so it wasn't really hot. There's no "I'm going to sue you!" kind of thing (laughs). Dark Shouma does things Chinen-kun himself would never normally do. Chinen-kun was trying a new acting style and was very lively in every scene. Director Tazaki was smiling as he filmed the scene, saying it was fun!

The henshin pose was even more tilted than usual, and actually needed wires to support!


🥤 The Bitter Gavv rampage
Dark Shouma transforms into Kamen Rider Bitter Gavv using Sparkingummy Gochizo. The name "Bitter" is unique to a show with a sweets motif.

The suit actor is Nakata Yuji-san, Geat's suit actor. Since the production team has a high percentage of Geats staff, I always thought that Nakata-san would appear somewhere. Finally, he took on the role of the eccentric character Bitter Gavv!

To express the fact that he was fighting without knowing how to control his strength, there was a scene where after his joints fell out, and he needed to push them back into place. The mutual respect between Action Director Fujita and Nakata, who are both good friends, shines through everywhere. It was refreshing to see him having trouble holding the Bitter Gavv blade because it's so heavy to him!

Chinen-kun also tried out a different voice tone than usual and a tempo that is not typical of a hero during the dubbing.

🍭 Victims
The oden shop owner who was attacked by Dark Shouma was played by suit actor Imai Yasuhiko-san. He has played a wide range of roles in toku, ranging from heroes to robots to villains. Sorry sempai!

The unlucky cafe server was played by young and up-and-coming suit actor Kajiyama Shotaro-san.

The candy store owner was played by suit actor Kamio Naoko-san. She's also a legend among legends, playing a wide range of roles ranging from heroes to villains to mascot-like characters. The characters Kamio-san played have a certain cuteness that makes them hard to hate, and they seem to boast an alarming survival rate (this is my personal opinion lol). Kamio-san is the conscience of the set, and it makes you feel at ease when you see her. Ah... Apologies.

Original Japanese Text













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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by DrewHLMW »

Looks like this is gonna be a quick arc so happy about that, would be annoying to drag it out any longer than needed.
wonder what exactly bitter Gavv is, seems to quick to be an evil clone from Suga
I'm guessing real shoma is just passed out where he fell.
I do hope Bitter Gavv sticks around longer than these 2 episodes though.
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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by Zerato »

What's this? Misunderstandings between characters that aren't contrived? The "wronged party" genuinely debating their feelings about the whole thing and being willing to hear the other party out? Eat your heart out, Inoue.
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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by Lunagel »

What is with all the great uncontrived drama in this show, it's fantastic
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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by takenoko »

Lunagel wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:07 am What is with all the great uncontrived drama in this show, it's fantastic
I guess Komura actually learned from her toku sempai and went "not this time" lol
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Re: KR Gavv 21

Post by Phoenix512 »

The opening has Vram/Raika in it now. I still can't believe that is KirameiSilver.

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