Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

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Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by takenoko »

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Ratings for last week's episode: 4.63 out of 5 (8 votes)

Oh heey the three seaters are still alive after all (not that anyone thought they were dead). 7 minutes in it's the first moment I cared about what's going on

Hey this Byundi scene reminds me of one of those Eva movies

I keep waiting to see if Naitou and the director are secretly good guys and this is all a long con, but I guess it's not?

Good use of those kid actors I guess

Kids, fuck up the police!

Gotta love a fight in the water

That church's greenscreening lol

I see, so that's why Spindo's clothes changed to white. It's so he can be a groom

Rip monkey. Pretty crazy it was just hanging oujt with the Three Seaters in one episode lol. It's like being worse with your horcrux than Voldemort

Looks like the highway dimension is as poorlyd esigned as highways on real earth lol

Wait how is Jou able to do the Sakito thing?

After a month it's nice to see the Boonboomgers winning again

What? Byujndi just destroyed all the Killer Robos? What's the point of them then?

I guess Boondorio will revive next week? It's like the only dangling plot left

Next week is the finale?

So what was Shirabe's secret mission all this time? Did I miss that?

An alright episode, no real surprises, but nothing particularly bad either. I'll probably create the series lookback episode either, but pretty consistently a straight B series for me overall.

Feel like some wasted opportunities. Not that I actually wanted to watch them do their space race, but it is kind of funny to talk about it all season and not actually get to see it figure into the plot. It's literally Krusty telling the kids they're going to the candy factory and not actually arriving.

Grantu is such an awesome design and voice, but he's completely wasted as a pair with Spindo. It would have been fun to see more of Grantu acting on his own with both the Three Seaters and the Boonboomgers, but we spent the last month on this very long (maybe too long) con of setting up Spindo to expose his weak point.

We also lost a month of Shashiro being a part of the team. Which again feels like an echo of when Genba left. He's still sort of there but sort of not, but obviously he can't be the focus of the story since he's away from the team. Some real dumb shit plot decisions imo. I like black well enough, but we can't have him be the star every week. Did pink ever get her own focus episode where she was actually in the driver's seat of the plot? Red was always too mysterious for his own good. Sakito and Byundi were literally aimless. Ah, I'm ruining content for my full series discussion

Edit: And the series discussion thread is up

So when exactly did Shashiro let the group know that the marriage was part of the plot to get Spindo? Mira's reaction seems pretty genuine
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Re: Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by HowlingSnail »

I think Taiya is the only one who's been wise to Chasshiro from the beginning. He needed everyone else to believe it so the Hashiliens would believe it.

The mind control wedding ring is exactly the thing the Trickster did in an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures, although in that case the bride was in favour of the wedding to begin with.

Honestly I'd have liked to see Mira make more demands. Be all "Fine, if I'm gonna be a mafia boss' wife, I want to be treated like one, here's all the stuff I want, darling.". A bit like that episode of MMPR where Kim is sent off to marry Lord Zedd and dresses as Rita.
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Re: Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by Yaiba »

In the episode where Spindo offed Boondario, I was wondering why the monkey was wandering around on its own. And they gave us the answer here, Spindo sent it away so his only weakness is not present in the battle and not risk damaging it. As long as the monkey is alive, Spindo is invincible.

I guess the writers really like crashing weddings. Taiya crashed the wedding exactly the same way in episode 1, down to grabbing the arm right before putting on the ring. Mira went from marrying an Earth Gangster to marrying a Space Gangster, such progression!

Children do not care about the politics of the adult world. Manipulating the truth has no effect on them. If they want to cheer for the heroes, they'll cheer for the heroes.

The Three Seaters finding their place and resolve was nice, and the Boonboom team finally getting back together was a nice scene.

Well just a small nitpick. I guess Shashiro's plan was alright, getting within the ISA to remove the malware in the Boonboom Cars and getting close to Spindo to search his weakness. Spindo would have got Boondario whether Shashiro betrayed them or not so it's out of his control. But the whole execution could be better, everyone just acted they knew about the plan all along felt kind of strange. The Boonboom team may be able to understand each other without words but the viewers cannot. We knew Taiya and Shashiro can communicate just by looking at each other, so initially I thought only Taiya knew the plan.

The writers tried to shoehorn in their job roles in one last time but it kinda didn't work. The Fixers assassinated the Killer Robos, Shashiro being the double spy and Genba procured the barrier. But Jou just simply announced his resolve as a cop to protect and Taiya just announced he's a courier, and Mira didn't do anything as a driver.

Production blog ... _3963.html

🚗 Cameo
Believing that Boonboomgers are not a bad guys, the children stop the police officer who is about to arrest Boon Black.
Oh...? One of the curious onlookers is Director Kato Hiroyuki! His love for Boonboomger is apparent. He came to the set even though it wasn't his episode as director!! We could feel it!!!


🚗 The plan
After abandoning the Changer and leaving the Boonboomgers, Shishiro became joined the ISA, manipulated information, and seized the Boon Bunker.
He was under watch and couldn't make any suspicious moves, but he pretended to be on ISA's side while releasing ISA's control of the Boonboom Cars, then waited for the right moment for the bad guys let their guard down.

When Boondario deactivated, some people might have thought, "That's your fault, Shashiro." But he continued to search for a way to turn the tables, and no matter what happened along the way, he devised a plan to ultimately destroy the Hashiriyan and ISA. I really wanted to see all of Shishiro's internal conflicts, but that's for another time.

In the end, the plan kicked into motion when Mira made the decision. Even so, this plan to deceive Spindo was a high-stakes gamble. It was only because the Boonboomgers trusted each other and were able to fulfill their respective roles that they were able to pave the way to victory.

🚗 The public
The wedding of the century was broadcast live to the world. In a shocking turn of events, the Boonboomger stood up to the Hashiriyan.

"The Boonboomgers are so cool," said the children, while the adults were confused. It's the children who can look at things straightforwardly and able to see the truth. Perhaps adults who are consumed by selfish greed and see the world with a cynical eye should follow their example.

Original Japanese Text








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Re: Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by DrewHLMW »

Fun episode, enjoyed the payoff, surprised the whole team was in on the plan though, thought it was just Taiya.
Didn't even occur to me that the monkey was important lol just thought it was like Mad Rex's dog.
Surprised Boon wasn't revived this week though, really keeping us waiting till the final episode.
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Re: Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by CheetahLynx »

takenoko wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 10:39 pm Wait how is Jou able to do the Sakito thing?
I think they can all do it. Remember the baseball episode when they started running the bases at mach speed?
I was gonna list all the series I've watched but there's a 255 character limit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Oh well.
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Re: Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by takenoko »

CheetahLynx wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:56 pm
takenoko wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 10:39 pm Wait how is Jou able to do the Sakito thing?
I think they can all do it. Remember the baseball episode when they started running the bases at mach speed?
Oh that's true. I just associate it with Sakito since he's the one who usually does it. It's sort of like when the Jedi go super fast in episode 1 and you go "You can do that? WHy don't you always do that?"
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Re: Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by SVNBob »

A nice little touch I noticed on my second watch:

For the final PSA, they were doing the team pose from the end of the intro.

Just one more example of things going full-circle in this episode.
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Re: Boonboomger 47 discussion thread

Post by takenoko »

SVNBob wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 10:18 pm A nice little touch I noticed on my second watch:

For the final PSA, they were doing the team pose from the end of the intro.

Just one more example of things going full-circle in this episode.
You're right! Good spotting!
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