Geats Extra: Geats Anime 04

Gaim? What's a Gaim?
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Geats Extra: Geats Anime 04

Post by takenoko »

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I love these knuckleheads plotting against Geats. The character stuff here is great, and wish we had more of it in the latter half of Geats the way we did early on

Ummmm, I was also like "Sushi's kind of a weird thing to hate", only to relalize this is an obvious manipulation. Well, let's see how this plays out

Wait, we don't get part 2 of the sushi thing here?

Wait is Geats already a god in this? Why are they still doing the DGP? XD

Wow a Gotchard shout out

lol, what the heck. Keiwa's left out. Are all the segments this time two parters?

Geat's space is surprisingly sparse. I'm not sure if we see in it in the show

There's an inari sushi? Of cousre a fox likes that since inari shrine's patron is foxes

But yeah, these guys totally fell for Ace's trick lol

What's WC stand for?

So is Geats just scared of the dark? Surprised we didn't get any mom jokes

Anyway, looks like they're leaning into the absurdity and creative freedom of anime, so let's hope the next one is also as good as this one

Re: Geats Extra: Geats Anime 04

Post by TokuGeek1999 »

Is Motojima in this?
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Re: Geats Extra: Geats Anime 04

Post by msf232 »

takenoko wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:13 pm What's WC stand for?
Water closet, if I remember correctly
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