Kawaii JeNny 09-10

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Team Baron
Team Baron
Posts: 37410
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:33 pm
Pronouns: Toast
Favorite series: All of them
Alignment: Neutral
My boom: stick
Quote: <Lunagel> That's Toei's dumb fault
Type: ISFJ Protector
Location: Yami ni umare, yami ni kisu

Kawaii JeNny 09-10

Post by takenoko »

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"Please fight as volunteers." Hey wait, if his argument is that they're getting taken care of by their parents, he's admitting that he's using child labor, right?

Cuticle Cafe?

Stick to your guns, ladies! Otherwise the man will always use you!

What do instruments that make sweets and fashion disappear have to do with erasing patrol cars?? Isn't there an anime about two cop ladies?

What a twist

That was less hating evil so much as Sister B is just a big jerk

Oh boy more of that basketball action

Her friends really are trying to take her man!! What a shock

Jenny in the sky with diamonds~

Barry Botter?

Eliminating fashion and sweets from the world! Team Rocket!

Where did they find these vehicles?
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