Geats Music Videos (Full versions)

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Team Baron
Team Baron
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Geats Music Videos (Full versions)

Post by takenoko »

Beat of My Life
-More stock footage of Neon's actress at a photo studio or house set

Desire Kyuuden
-More Tsumuri. I appreciate the effort she puts into singing and being cute along to the song

I Peace
-More Keiwa showing his dance moves
-Trivia - This song was cheorgraphed by AbarePink

Live for the Moment
-Huh, did I remember to watch this one
-This was directed by Sakamoto Koichi of all people. What happened? Were none of the girls around?

-More producer dancing

Odds n' Ends
-Love this trio
-Tawada Hideya or Kamen RIder SHinobi (or Ninninger Burger) did the choreography for this one
Star of the Star of the Stars
-Thanks credits. Apparently the choreography was done by one of the dancers by Ace

Undead Fire
-Love that karaoke that Anon did
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