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Ratings for last episode: 4 of 5 stars (7 votes)
We're halfway through the series, do you have all the cards yet?
I guess everyone is working at the restaurant now. LOL, Sabii literally has no eyes under his bangs now. How is their restaurant so busy, they literally had just 1 and a half employees up till now
I guess we're lucky that Minato's assassin is the one sister that is already plotting in secret with him. Although if Geryon did that on purpose and foresaw all this, I'll be kind of annoyed
Ohhh, it was a trap. I guess we can't complain about Geryon being a stupid villain
Wait, why does Atropos get a full body lol
What was that move, Spanner? Trying to jump off the roof?
Damn Minato, what would he have done if Spanner hadn't showed up
I guess I never noticed before there was a raised platform so you can sit cross legged at the table. Is that normal for Japanese restaurants?
So the laws just don't apply to Geryon. That's not very satisfying
Huh. Have we known Geryon's plan before this?
Hey yuou stupid kids, don't you see the monster coming out of the globe?
I feel like this is the best Malgam design so far. It's a colorful dragon, what's not to like?
I keep forgetting that Valvarad's thing is being the black flame. Like that feels like it should be a cooler thing than how it's presented in-series
Level 10s are just falling like wimps at this point
At least we're getting some time with the secondary riders
The writing and acting isn't always the best, but the colors and designs for the Riders/monsters are pretty nice
There's everyone's dad
That's the annoying thing about the movie not being available yet, how does Rinne and her dad have drivers?
Another banger of a Rider design
He's Kamen RIder WInd? His name is Fuuga, do you get it? You know, it's a nice design, but there's something especially toylike about it
Wasn't sure about t he flying, but that was a nice finisher too
Oh, is he dead already? What a twist
Hmm, that was a suspicious way to die. Oh wait, they literally just said that wasn't his real body
Has his eyes always been golden?
Are those cards in any sort of order?
What, another form? I mean, it looks sick and I did like Kamen RIder Fuuga, I mean Wind, but come on man... Rider fatigue!