KR Gotchard 50 thread

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KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by takenoko »

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Series discussion post and vote

Ratings for last episode: 2.83 of 5 stars (12 votes)

Oh no, Geryon turned the logo gold

That effet on Minato is so bad lol

It's like he's shooting honey everywhere. Spanner, how many women must die for you??

Is that the sponsor thing? Feels like a spoiler but okay


Mom, don't go outside in the gold rain. Oh, she knew this whole time, but she was okay with it... until now? Seems like they wanted the Aunt May knew the whole time, but didn't understand how to write her reaction except to act like a worried mom. Oh, she is okay with it. Good moment, we don't get enough of Houtarou with his mom since she's the only real connection to the real world (Kajiki, you don't count!)

lol, look at the greenscreening of Klotho holding the cards . Where did she get all these cards? He beat her without even transforming? One less WOrf to go

Oh Fuuga, I guess you're here still. Who are these jobber monsters? They never stop long enough for me to get a good look

lol Lakhesis's veil. Why the purple ribbon?

Oh, she was a doll the whole time! What a twist

You can see how small the green screen room is lol

These poor suit actors in those bulky suits lol. What are the wonder twins carrying around? Can't they shoot magic with their wrist blasters?

Oh hey, it's all the bad guys from b efore. So this guy really is just a dude?

Hahaha, they took out Nijigon so easily

Hahaha, rip Houtarou

What? He just will powered out of the gold? That's ridiculous. Why?? Are we going to get an actual explanation??

Everyone shares the philosopher's stone

Oh Geryon was made of poop this whole time

Wtf why legend?

What is Rinne's ring? That's new, right?

Are the guys at these tables the stunt actors?

What? They made a new Earth??

Well, not to be mean about it, but I wasn't expecting a great ending since the series itself wasn't that great in general. But even as a finale it's kind of disappointing. Klotho was a good death, but the rest of it felt unengaged. We were never going to believe Minato and Kyouka were dead or that the world was permanently gold. But unless I just missed something, the writers just felt like they could rule of cool out of explaining Houtarou's turnaround

A tokusatsu writer's job is to make us care about these two costumed wrestlers beating on each other. Writing and story gives the story stakes. It engages the viewer. Without it, it's just George Lucas playing with CGI at his desk. Without good story or characters, the show is essentially just asking me to enjoy seeing bright lights as it flashes by, and to not think about it during or after

Also, still no explanation on Houtarou's father. Why make that mystery box and not involve it or answer it, despite referencing it several times throughout the series?

For the final series discussion, I think I'm giong to have to bump it from a 4 down to a 3. I don't think it's a waste of time since there are good moments and characters, but I couldn't really recommend this to anyone based on those scatterd good moments. Ultimately, a waste of potential. Good suits, some interesting characters (that luna rightly points out is stacked on the bad guy side) that doesn't ever really elevate beyond just an okay toku show

For the finale's rating... I feel like I'm a generous rater, if I have even a decent amount of fun, I give it a 4. For this, none of the battles have any emotional stakes. We see Twilight Majade and Silver Valvarad for the second and last time (Oh and Wind too) and they're fighting reanimated bad guys that don't even talk. They don't really do anyhthing good, fightingwise. They kill their enemies and it's time for Houtarou to defeat Geryon. Gotchard uppercutting Geryon in his base form is cool, but I was too distracted by how none of anything going on made sense. The story is terrible, but not insulting like last episode's, there is a lot of effects and fights going on. 3 stars?
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Lunagel »

When I saw Mom talking to the dad photo and we still don't see the face, I literally threw up my hands and yelled "What?!" at the screen.

I'm not sure what exactly else they could have done, because at this point their choices were a) mention but don't resolve b) don't mention, don't resolve or c) unsatisfactory resolve. I of course would have preferred d) DON'T BRING UP CHEKHOV'S DAD IN THE FIRST PLACE
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by takenoko »

They can't ever reveal... Houtarou is his own dad. They did a back to the future!

Edit: I totally missed that Gotchard Ultima was a new form, since the only difference is the belt

Is this the first time Houtarou uses the from one thing all things are created spell? To create a new Earth? (I also didn't realize that was what was going on when first watching )
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Connie_Edogawa »

so, apparently, at some point they just forgot about the dad and decided "....heck with it, we're just not gonna bother."
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Lunagel »

Yeah that tracks
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by takenoko »

Doesn't that tweet say they thought about it, and decided not to have him appear because they didn't think it'd be very interesting?

I'm almost at the end of the episode and they talk about Spanner having a new goal in life. In past seasons, this is where they talk about going on a quest to bring back Chase or Ankh or whoever died in the series. But here... they don't tell us what his new goal in life is. And somehow, this is worse than the cliche ending

Edit: Wait, I didn't realize that Kudou said she wants to see Atropos again. That explains the ring though

Edit edit; Did I even mention that Ichinose created another Earth? Why do these series always end in a new Earth being made? It's particularly stupid in this case, because Houtarou's dream is to have Chemys live alongside humanity. Instead of dealing with social issues and whatever related to that, he's put them on a different planet. Like a rules lawyer playing calvinball with their words. Chemys living on a different Earth wasn't the dream at all!

I don't really understand Rinne's comment as she helps Houtarou up. Maybe she likes him now. I dunno
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Mxylv »

Klotho was dead as soon as she confronted Geryon without any riders present, but the effortlessness with which she was beaten wound up feeling kind of hollow. Sure, there’s a poetry to her dying in Houtarou’s arms similar to the other two, but having them fight Geryon together and then having her die would’ve been more emotionally weighty. On a similar note, reviving the Hades kings felt kind of redundant as a way to keep the other riders occupied. Didn’t Valvarad beat Gigist last week?

I actually thought Houtarou willing himself out of the gold was a good scene (granted his hand bones would be broken from a punch like that, though I appreciate one of Geryon’s teeth being bent as befits gold). I’m not sure, however, where Houtarou’s power to reshape reality came from. We never really saw anything like that beforehand from him, so it ended up feeling contrived.

I may as well end on a highlight, which had to be Renge and Sabimaru. The immobilization cannons were a clever way of retroactively turning the seemingly meaningless B plot skit into a Chekhov’s gun. Wish we had more, but what we got of them was wonderful.
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Yaiba »

A lot of things that happened that should hype up the scene and create tension... but just didn't. There's no build up, follow up or explanation to anything. It's like they're checking off a checklist, simply just making sure all those tropes were in there. I'll be generous and say it's ok, but it could be better.

Is this Splatoon? It's such an inefficient way to paint the world gold.

The heartwarming moments with Mom was always nice.

I'm so glad Rinne finally fought with his dad. I wish there were more. The insert song here "Guardian of the Wind" (風の守護者) was sang by Fuuga's actor, Ishimaru Kanji.

Though he just disappeared afterwards. He wasn't there when those four were turned into gold.

I'm glad they found a use for that freezing potion that gave them so much trouble from before, that even the anti-freeze potion will freeze you. On second though... I think they said they were making it to fight Geryon before everyone acts like an idiot and freeze themselves.

The scattered Philosopher's Stone were absorbed by the 100 Chemys. So each's getting 1%. No one is going to get the whole stone now.

So... Houtarou created a whole new planet? And the solution was to just put all the Chemys there so they don't need to live with humans?

Whatever happened to Minato wanting to reform the Alchemy Alliance?

Please don't keep inserting Legend into other people's show.

So many cameos at the end.
- Hopper1's voice actor. Lol she commented on Hotarou's big eyes.
- The show's music composer, Takaki Hiroshi. He's holding the music sheets.
- The opening song artists, BACK-ON and FLOW's members. They were sitting at the tables.

Separate post for the blog because it's looooog.
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Yaiba »

Production blog

Thank you everyone who has been reading Kamen Rider WEB blog. This is Producer Minato Yosuke. I usually write the part for the next episode. But I'll write the blog this week as a recap for the year. (It's not like the Assistant Producers forced me to do it by saying "Minato-san, you looked bored.")

This theme of the was "Cheerful and fun!"
However, the battle that concludes the year-long program had to be an intense one, with the fate of the world at stake, to end on a high note.

The main cast members have also left their messages at the end.

Houtarou's family
Houtarou returned to Kitchen Ichinose to tell his mother his secret. At first, there was the idea for this scene to happen in the field. Tamami-san, worried about her child, went looking for Hotarou in the midst of the chaos. The aim was to make the scene feel tense and special by having Tamami, who had not appeared in any scenes other than Kitchen Ichinose, appeared in the location scene. However, Houtarou said in episode 49 that he would definitely tell her. Houtarou would take the responsibility to tell her properly, so the scene was changed back to the usual set.

Incidentally, the rice balls were added to the script by Director Tazaki.
Although it was still the same conversation, the fact that Tamami was waiting with the rice balls conveyed that she had intended to see him off from the beginning, showing the strength of a mother.

By the way... I'm sure you were all wondering about this too, right? Houtarou's father?
I thought about him a lot, but ultimately decided not to have him appear.

The reason was that it was not very interesting to talk about. Maybe one day we'll talk about it, but I'd be happy if you let your imagination run wild in the time being.

In the script, only the visions of Atropos and Lachesis appeared, then Klotho smiled and closed her eyes. That's it. On set, Klotho's actress, Miyahara-san, told the director she wanted to touch their hands at the end. So the scene of them holding hands at the end was done. Of the three sisters, Klotho had the most unfortunate role. However, thanks to Miyahara Kanon's loving performance, I think Clotho was finally able to understand happiness in the end.

Kamen Rider Gotchard is not only the story of Hotarou and the other alchemists, but also the story of the Three Dark Sisters, homunculus born from alchemy. I believe that in the end, they too became "alchemists" who keep moving forward.

The new Earth
The new Earth was created by Houtarou using the Dread Troopers and the Golden Ray as materials. As Houtarou said, Geryon's Golden Ray was not perfect. It didn't transform the substance into gold, it was just coating them with gold plating. That's why Houtarou could move. If you peeled off the plating, you could use the extracted substance to create the new Earth.

The twist might be disappointing, but this was something that has happened in real alchemy too. The attempt to make gold appeared to be successful, but in fact it was just a coating. In other words, it was a failure. But the coating itself gives rise to new uses.

There is value in failure. That's how it is. The newly born Gatchadriver was one example.

Gotchard Ultima
Using the Gatchdriver created by Houtarou, instead of the one entrusted to him by Fuuga, Hopper1 and SteamLiner transformed into a form that responded to Houtarou's feelings through multiple transmutations of humans and Chemys. This is the so-called final episode limited form.

When I consulted with Bandai about making this plot, they suggested to try using the Gatchadriver (Daybreak ver.), which is currently available for preorder. So this is how this came about.

And since the story ends in this form, there can only be one insert song to conclude it. The song selection of was suggested by Ida-san from Avex.
"Rising Fighter"!!!

In the Chemy lined up, new CG Chemys had been added. They were created by students from Tokyo Communication Art College as part of an industry-academia collaboration project.

The citizens
Among the general public, there was also Tacchan and the group of thugs.

Tacchan, who tried to condemn the alchemist, and the thugs who tried to steal the Chemys, all ended up fighting together when the alchemist saved their lives. But isn't that what adults were like? Or maybe that's what humans were like?

I've often said something along the lines of "Adults are no good. Young people who don't know anything are the strongest". But in the end, this world is desperately created by those no-good adults. That's why the world is always changing, and there are good things and bad things. Geryon hates such unstable people and the world itself.

Ending and Cameos
Kitchen Ichinose had reopened and there were familiar faces as customers!

Takagi Hiroshi, composer of "Kamen Rider Gotchard". His character setting was also a musician, and the music sheet he's holding has the main theme song from Gotchard written on it.

KENJI03 and TEEDA from BACK-ON, who sing the theme song "CHEMY×STORY".
They played the public who had completely cooled down about the Chemy situation and were just chatting

And in green clothes, who looked surprised at Houtarou, was voice actress Fukuen Misato, well known for voicing Hopper1.

The absurd event of the world turning to gold actually happened, but it disappeared in an instant due to Houtarou's alchemy (without any human or property damage). The people were left with only a reality with no evidence. They were unable to accept a reality that was so far removed from common sense, so some kind of logical cover story was developed, and alchemy was treated as an occult.

I don't think we can say that this kind of thing doesn't happen in our reality.

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image


Message from the cast

Ichinose Houtarou / Motojima Junsei
I am Motojima Junsei, who played the role of Ichinose Houtarou! Thank you for watching Kamen Rider Gotchard until the end!

I feel so sad that Gotchard has ended. I'm so excited about Gotchard that I want to go back to the set lol. This year went by so quickly, but every moment became an irreplaceable treasure for me. Gatcha!

The warm support from everyone who looked forward to it every week was the driving force for the team, and we were able to do our best until the end! I will continue to use all the experiences I gained from Kamen Rider Gotchard as my driving force to make more and more Gatchas so that I can continue to show you my growth!

Kudou Rinne / Matsumoto Reiyo
Hello everyone! I'm Matsumoto Reiyo, who plays Kudou Rinne.

Thank you so much for watching Kamen Rider Gotchard for the past year!
It's been a long year, but it's also been a very short one. There were a lot of difficult things and things I didn't understand. I was worried about whether I could make it through the year, but thanks to everyone's warm support, I was able to keep going. Thank you so much!! It's been a very dense year. I spent time with Rinne-chan and learned a lot, and I really love and respect her...♡

I will use what I have absorbed and learned from Rinne-chan over the past year to do my best as Matsumoto Reiyo, so please support me! I would be happy if you would watch over Rinne and Reiyo warmly...♡^^

Thank you so much for the past year! I was very happy!! There are still many final stages and more to come. Let's make Gotchard exciting with everyone until the end! Let's create the best story!
See you again somewhere♡^^

Kurogane Spanner / Fujibayashi Yasunari
Thank you for watching and supporting me for the past year!

I appeared on a show I watched as a child, and now the final episode has aired, and new works is about to begin.

I feel sad but I'm grateful that I was able to start, and finish the show safely. I want to keep going, fueled by the happy times I've received from everyone.

Because "I'm not alone!"
I'm glad I met Gotchard!
I'm glad it was Gotchard!

Please continue to support this work and all the cast members.

Ichou Renge / Abe Oto
I'm Abe Otsu, who played Ichou Renge!

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me over the past year! Thank you so much!!

This past year seemed long but also short, but I met irreplaceable friends and had a valuable experience that is the greatest joy of being an actor. I'm sure this experience will be a source of nourishment for me in the rest of my life. It's over in the blink of an eye, and I'm filled with loneliness, but I'm sure we'll meet again somewhere. I believe that!

Finally... thank you so much for watching for the past year! The comments and messages you all sent me after each broadcast were so warm and encouraging! Even after this work has ended, I still connect with you all in my heart☺

I love you!

Tsuruhara Sabimaru / Tomizono Rikiya
Thank you for watching the final episode of Kamen Rider Gotchard !! I truly had the best time from start to finish.

I am so honored to have made such great friends, had so many experiences with such a top-notch staff, and had such a precious time in my life. It's all thanks to all of you who support me. Thank you for your continued support.

I have a dream of becoming the number one movie actor in Japan. So I would be so happy if those of you who already know me would continue to support me in the future.

Gotchard is immortal!!

I hope you will continue to support me!! Thank you so much for the past year!

Minato / Kumaki Rikuto
Thank you very much for watching the final episode.

I have very complicated emotions, like being happy and sad that this day has come, but I believe from the bottom of my heart that we have been able to have the best finale possible. It is all thanks to everyone who has supported Gotchard over the past year. Thank you for an irreplaceable year.

I am proud to have had the opportunity to encounter a work that will become a lifelong treasure, and will continue to work hard as an actor. I will also give it my all at FLT, so I hope everyone who comes will enjoy it to the fullest as well!!

Once again, thank you so much for supporting Gotchard over the past year!!!

Kajiki Ryou / Kabe Amon
Thank you for staying with us until the final episode.

How have you enjoyed Kamen Rider Gotchard over the past year? The cast and staff came together and put a lot of sweat and tears into creating this series so that we could provide everyone with a fun time every Sunday morning. I am so happy that everyone loves the character Kajiki. It was a wonderful experience that is truly rewarding as an actor.

The story of Gotchard continues in the Final Stage. If there are support, maybe there will be a new spin-off... . . ? ? ?

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the cast and staff, and to all the fans who have supported us. Until then, let's meet again on a Sunday morning someday.

This was Kabe Amon, who played Kajiki Ryou.

Edami Kyouka / Fukuda Saki
Thank you for watching the final episode.
Thank you so much for all of your support!
We've received a lot of your voices!
And those voices have really supported us!
We look forward to seeing you in the final stage.

Atropos / Okita Itono
Thank you for watching Kamen Rider Gotchard for the past year!
I was very happy that so many people supported the Dark Sisters, even though they were the enemy.
I was nervous at first, but the staff and cast were all so kind to me and it was a fun year. I hope to act with everyone again someday. Once again, thank you so much for the past year!

Klotho / Miyahara Kanon
Thank you for watching Kamen Rider Gotchard for the past year!
I was truly happy to be able to play as Klotho for a whole year, one of the Dark Sisters. I really love the Dark Sisters. Thank you for loving Kamen Rider Gotchard and for giving me such a wonderful role. It gave me so much strength knowing that everyone watched every week and gave me their feedback and support.

The series has ended, but I hope that it will live on in your hearts forever. I will continue to work hard, looking forward to meeting you all again someday! Please continue to support me!

Lakhesis / Sakamaki Alisa
Kamen Rider Gotchard, the final episode! Thank you for watching.

It was a great honor to be able to act as Lachesis with such wonderful friends for a year and create Gotchard. And above all, it was fun!!! Everyone involved was so loving. Gotchard was such a wonderful work.

I love La-ke-chan too!!!

I hope to see you all again somewhere✨

The main story of Gotchard has already ended, but it will live on in all of your hearts! In us too☺

Let's enjoy the final tour too!! Please come and see our beautiful finale in person! Until we meet again!

Geryon / Kamakari Kenta
Thank you so much for your support of Kamen Rider Gotchard for the past year.

First of all, I'm sorry for all the unpleasant things I've done to you... (laughs)

Geryon was a really rewarding role. At first, I was being pushed around by Geryon, but I started to hear his voice, and before I knew it, I took his hand and faced Houtarou and the others. I'll never forget transforming with the belt in my hand.

And I was able to make deep friendships with wonderful friends. I'm really grateful to all the staff who always wrapped me in warm love despite their busy schedules every day.
More than anything, this work has grown greatly because everyone watched it and entered the world of Gotchard with us.

Although Geryon's ambitions were not fulfilled, this wonderful encounter is a completely beautiful chemistry!

I'd like to treat the poor girls, the three sisters, to a delicious meal (laughs)

And lastly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for "Stain in gold"!

Ichinose Tamami / Minamino Yoko
Thank you to everyone who watched, the cast, and the staff for the past year.
Watching over the growth of Houtarou and his friends with the same warmth as the character was a comfortable and precious experience for me. I would have liked to have gone into it a little more, but that said, see you again soon.

Kudou Fuuga / Ishimaru Kanji
To the cast and staff of Kamen Rider Gotchard, thank you for your work this year. I was happy to be working with you. And most of all, thank you to everyone who enjoyed the show. I would like to express my sincere gratitude.

I am from the generation for whom the original Kamen Rider was a hero. I was glued to the TV every week. Now I have been offered the opportunity to appear in "Kamen Rider." When I heard about it, I was surprised and overwhelmed. I was also given the character name Kamen Rider Wind and became a rider, as a father-daughter rider with my daughter Rinne. I was even able to sing the character song, so there is no greater honor than this. I would like to secretly whisper this to my childhood self. I'm sure he would have been delighted with sparkling eyes.

More than half a century has passed since the original "Kamen Rider," and what impressed me most this time was the theme. Aiming for a world where artificial lifeforms Chemys and humans can coexist.
What a fitting theme for today's world, where diversity is so important. As a viewer, I empathized with Hourataro's feelings, especially in the episodes where I didn't appear.

Once again, thanks to all the staff and cast for your hard work! Thank you so much to everyone who watched and purchased toys and Chemy Cards! I would be happy if this program could make everyone's lives even a little more enjoyable.


Houou Kaguya Quartz / Nagata Seiichiro

Thank you for your support of Kamen Rider Gotchard over the past year!!! They were all gorgeously fun days!!!

When I first met Hourtaro he still wasn't gorgeous enough...but he has a much muscular face now.
They have experienced a lot over the past year and have become much more gorgeous. Each and every one of them truly shone brightly. They had a shine that no other jewel could match. It reminded me once again that everyone is a shining gem. I was able to see something wonderful. It was an honor.

Kaguya-sama must also polish his shine even more. The journey has only just begun. May Kaguya-sama's legend continue to be engraved in your eyes. And I ask for your continued support for them.

Farewell! Gorgeous!!
Original Japanese Text




















『Rising Fighter』!!!








まだ「仮面ライダーガッチャード ファイナルステージ」もあります!




最終話を終えて 仮面ライダーガッチャード最終話ご視聴ありがとうございました!! 本当に最初から最後まで最高の時間を過ごせました。
こんなに好きな仲間が出来て、 一流のスタッフ陣と共に色んな経験をさせてもらって、人生でこんな貴重な時間を過ごせたのがとても光栄に思います。
僕は日本一の映画俳優になる。という夢があります。 なので知ってくれた方もこれからも応援してくれると凄く嬉しいです。







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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by takenoko »

>The scattered Philosopher's Stone were absorbed by the 100 Chemys. So each's getting 1%. No one is going to get the whole stone now.

so if Nijigon, the 101st Chemy has 1%, then all the other Chemys are getting slightly under 1% each? Unless dark Nijigon really did replace the missing 1%, then they each get exactly 1% each

>Whatever happened to Minato wanting to reform the Alchemy Alliance?

Let's be honest, I laughed when the sponsor said "Minato and Kyouka are gold, the fate of the world rests on the young alchemists". That's always been the case, Minato and Kyouka have never done anything except be around

So many cameos at the end.
- Hopper1's voice actor. Lol she commented on Hotarou's big eyes.
- The show's music composer, Takaki Hiroshi. He's holding the music sheets.
- The opening song artists, BACK-ON and FLOW's members. They were sitting at the tables.

Ooh, that makes sense. Thanks for that!
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by darkmage02 »

As expected of a show that fluctuates between the good and the bad, it ended on a whimper.

Just my initial thoughts on the finale, in no particular order.

> Personal fav moment from the episode: Houtaro's scene with his mom. I wish we got more of moments like this that lend heart and realism to this superfluous world.
> They didn't do that great of a job with Khlotos' character that when time comes for her to die, I didn't really feel anything. Poetic death, yes. But I just don't care enough.
> The stakes felt extremely low in this finale. Nothing apart from Khlotos's death will stick anyway.
> Houtaro conjuring a whole new Earth just for the Chemies to exist feels like the biggest deux ex machina this show could've pulled off. How did he elevate from student alchemist level to god alchemist level? We just didn't see enough progression of his alchemist powers throughout the series for this to be even a tad bit believable.
> So is Ultima stronger than Rainbow Gotchard? I"m so confused. Which is Gotchard's final form again?
> Looks like we'll either never find out who Houtaro's father is or we will in future VCinema films.
> Why the mystery with the father tho? Felt like such an asspull with the mystery that has no visible implication on the plot and to never reveal it all the way to the end.
> Boohoo, Valvarad and Majade fight resurrected Abysilis Kings. I would've loved for all 3 Riders to fight Geryon together as they all have a beef with him one way or another. But alas, this is Gotchard's show.
> Of course Majade fumbles and needs Wind to come aid her in service of a cliche father-daughter moment. Can't have a female Rider not needing help, eh?
> Both Rinne & Spanner got so little to do in this finale. Can't say I'm surprised, but disappointing nonetheless.
> I've said it previously but the conflict between Houtaro and Geryon lacks depth other than the typical "main protag vs main antag" schtick. There's just no weight to their fights, and to me it's just a blur of CGI spectacle that got me neither engaged or invested.
> Houtaro beating Geryon with the power of friendship just made me laugh out loud.
> It's nice to see that Kajiki got accepted into the group proper, dude deserves it.
> Eh is Rinne and Houtaro a real couple now? They're holding hands running towards the future.
> What's Spanner's new goal in life? To revive Lachesis? To find true love? Tell us Toei!
> Can't say I hate the ending, as everything more or less happen as expected apart from God Houtaro. It's a story about hope and friendship, and to that extent the finale shows that. It could've treated some of its characters better, and the lack of stakes dampens my overall enjoyment.
> 3/5
Complete. Start Up. 3. 2. 1. Time Out. Reformation.
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by takenoko »

> the fact that Tamami was waiting with the rice balls conveyed that she had intended to see him off from the beginning, showing the strength of a mother.

that's a nice detail. probably the best scene for Houtarou in this series

> It didn't transform the substance into gold, it was just coating them with gold plating. That's why Houtarou could move. If you peeled off the plating, you could use the extracted substance to create the new Earth.

Holy shit is that the explanation? /me looks down and thinks

>When I consulted with Bandai about making this plot, they suggested to try using the Gatchadriver (Daybreak ver.), which is currently available for preorder. So this is how this came about.

Oh, so this is the bridge between regular Houtarou and adult Houtarou? That sounds cooler on paper than it actually comes across in the show

>In the Chemy lined up, new CG Chemys had been added. They were created by students from Tokyo Communication Art College as part of an industry-academia collaboration project.

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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Yaiba »

>In the Chemy lined up, new CG Chemys had been added. They were created by students from Tokyo Communication Art College as part of an industry-academia collaboration project.

In the scenes where all the Chemys appeared, there were Chemys that never had a real form and only appeared as cards before. Like the Gundam-lookalike RenkingRobo, it's the first time it appeared outside of his card.
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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by Lunagel »

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Re: KR Gotchard 50 thread

Post by resop2 »

Instead of sticking the landing, this one fell directly on its face.

We go from monsters causing havoc to Houtarou visiting his mom. Houtarou beats the final boss because it's his show and all he has to do is be determined and he will win even though his win is a 100% unsupported by past events asspull. We have Klotho being inspired by Houtarou's speech some 30 episodes ago even though in that episode she looked like Houtarou was yelling gibberish at her. The other two riders don't get to contribute to the final boss fight because it is not their show. The ending does not support a promotional tie-in card collection game. The final boss goes from being invincible to weak for no particular reason. We had to look at Legend again. Unless a miracle occurs the next Rider will be the most skip-able one in history. Will the next big evil be a dentist?

2/5 episode for me.
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