Series stats

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Team Baron
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Series stats

Post by takenoko »

Rider stats: ... sp=sharing

Sentai stats: ... sp=sharing

Apparently you can just copy the tables into Spreadsheet then fiddle with them to create stats. Makes it easy to calculate averages as well as sorting them to find highest and lowest rated episodes

It's still a work in progress but I got the last few years of Riders
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Team Baron
Team Baron
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Quote: <Lunagel> That's Toei's dumb fault
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Re: Series stats

Post by takenoko »

Rider: ... sp=sharing

Sentai: ... sp=sharing

Okay, the stats for Rider and Sentai are complete. New sheet has a cover sheet to show averages for fan votes and viewer averages

-Viewer rating = The TV viewership from whatever metric Japan uses to measure that. The site we used to gather this data hasn't been updated since Covid, plus it's getting less and less a reliable source of info as more people stream
-Fan Ratings = This is you! Every episode thread comes with a poll, and this data is based on that. We only started collecting this data in 2015 because I used to be kind of stuck up about polls

Interest numbers:
-Looks like Zero-One and Kiramager are the highest ratings, but part of that is because I dropped the recap episodes that happened because of Covid. Would these numbers be lower if the saggy middle episodes were there? Maybe! But both of these shows were also genuinely pretty good

I dunno, do these ratings match with your experience? If you participate on the forums, please remember to vote!
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